Author Randy Massey Makes Fantasy Your Christmas Read Reality

Welcome, Randy Massey!

This interview is rather interesting. Randy Massey is an author with a style of writing that really encapsulates what it means to write fantasy. His new book is the first part of a series. It’s called “The Summoner.” Read this interview and then go over and check out the new book. I think you will find yourself ordering a copy. You can’t help but love the honest answers Randy gives.

randy massey

Q) Thank you for taking part in this interview, Randy. Can I start by asking what inspires you?
I would have to say God, family, life.
Q) How do you find “inspiration” and where does it live?
Inspiration is all around us. Whether in high joy or deep sorrow it is there for those who have eyes to see!
Q) When did you first consider yourself to be a writer?
It started soon after I read The Hobbit at age 10.
Q) How does a cover present itself? Where do those ideas come from?
Since most judge a book by its cover it needs to be functional in capturing the eyes of the beholders. As for the ideas for this kind of cover they should grow out of the imagination of the author and his/her story.
Q) What is the greatest writing aide a writer can have?
Deep commitment and determination, a never give up attitude.
Q) How did you find your writing style?
That developed over time as I read a wide variety of books. I always found myself drawn back to the world of fantasy. As to “style” I consider myself a planner more than a pantser.

“Inspiration is all around us. Whether in high joy or deep sorrow it is there for those who have eyes to see!”

Q) Can you define success, Randy? How do you feel about success?
Success is really a state of mind, being willing to accept whatever life gives you. Don’t’ like what you do or where you are? Then you are responsible to make changes!
Q) Many writers refer to a “writers heaven.” Let me ask you this, Randy. What is a “writers” heaven?
For me it would be a career as an author without having to work a “regular” job! After that, a movie or two from my writings would be on top of the list!

“Commitment and determination, a never give up attitude.”

Q) How often have you read another writers book and said “I can do better than that” to yourself?
(Laughs) Probably more often than I would admit!
Q) Do you have any advice for beginning writers?
Stick to it, because the going will get tough!
Q) What is your writing routine? How do you discipline yourself to keep at it?
Most of my writing comes in spurts. Sometimes it’s a daily thing, other times a week or more will go by before I pound the keys again!
Q) How do you, personally, begin a novel?
Formulate a plan, conceptualize the story, develop main and minor characters, put a schematic on paper, draw a map (if needed), lay out chapter thoughts and outlines, then begin writing.
Q) Why is it a crime to use a cliché in a novel? We all use clichés in talking with people, so why the big no-no when writing?
Readers see them all the time. They need something new, refreshing. Often they just get old and stale “cliché’s”.
Q) How do you know when a chapter is “just” right?
For me, it should end in such a way that the reader is mad at you cause he/she can’t just stop there! They have to read into the next chapter to find out what happens next!
Q) Do you feel supported as a writer?
I personally have found that most authors are selfish and self-serving (me included). So, no, not a whole lot of true support given, at least not from very many of the authors I have met online.
Q) Do you think it’s important to be expressive when writing dialogue?
Yes. I try to write in such a way that the words draw the reader in to the conversation !
Q) How do you think your new book will be received by readers?
As every writer does: well-loved and looking for more from the author!

You can order your copy of the first part of “The Legends of Arth” today. If you love Lord of the Rings you will love…

The Summoner

the summoner new cover