Megan Elizabeth Makes The Publishing World Hot

Sinners Craving New CoverOne of the most exciting success stories of the year so far has been Megan Elizabeth. Her book “Sinners Craving” is now on sale and here’s her latest interview for your enjoyment!

How do you come up with the titles of your books?

Book titles are a funny thing. At times, you can just know exactly what the title to your newest book is. At other times, you can start writing a book, have it nearly completed and not know what to call it. Usually, I’ll just keep bouncing titles around my head and write them down. When I narrow it down to a select few, I’ll bounce some of them off of my critique partner then, boom! New title!

What is your writing schedule? Do you jump out of bed with coffee in hand or are you an afternoon writer? What conditions do you like to write under?

I am a write-whenever-I-am-able-to kind of author. I’m definitely not a morning person; my brain doesn’t start functioning until I’m well into my day. So I write during the mid-afternoon or late evening. The best condition I can think of for writing is sitting alone in a room with some soft music playing.

What do you have to avoid when writing a book? Do you ever get burned out?

When writing a book, I try to avoid reading another author’s work. Though reading is my favorite pastime, I would prefer not to have any of my thoughts tainted. Of course, I get burned out, usually around chapter 13. I have this period of stalling or procrastinating until I get going again and start writing.

How do you start to write a book? What is the first step?

The first step in writing a book is actually thinking. Thinking of the story you want to tell, thinking of a plot line that would intrigue, thinking of characters an audience could connect to. Thinking, “How the hell am I going to write another book?” Then I sit down, plot out another story I can’t wait to tell, and begin writing.

Which books have most influenced your life?

I’d like to say something profound here, but in all honesty the novels that have affected my life the most are the ones that helped me in some way. One that helped me get through a rough break up or the one that inspired me to start writing. Almost all have been written by one inspiring author—Kresley Cole.

Do you see writing as a career?

I see writing as my dream career. It’s everything I love and wish to pursue well into the future. It’s addicting holding your first book in your hands, like nothing I can describe.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

At this point I think “Sinner’s Craving,” my current new release, is everything I could hope for it to be. It was a complete labor of love, and with that I will take the good with the bad.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

My interest in writing began after I went on a reading binge that lasted years. My head was filled with different worlds and characters that will haunt me for the rest of my life. As wonderful as it all was, I wanted to share a world of my own. I wanted to make readers feel what I had felt all through that time.

I felt like I couldn’t get enough, and now I hope that I can instil that same feeling in others through my own work.

What is your overall opinion of the publishing industry?

The publishing industry, like any other entertainment industry, has its ups and downs. It is ever-changing, always evolving in some way. The publishing world is where I found my home and exactly where I belong. It can rip you to pieces with a bad review and give you the most amazing high with one word of praise. I love every minute of it.

Do you ever get tired of looking at words?

In truth, sometimes I get tired of my own words. There’s only so many times you can proofread a book before your eyes start to cross and you need to walk away for a moment. But do I ever get tired of reading? Never!

Who designed the cover?

The cover was an idea that I came up with and described to the designer. About thirty mock up covers later, I had the one that I loved.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The hardest part of the writing process for me is editing. It can be gruelling. I love getting the story out, playing with the characters and the banter between them, even changing the plot; but editing is that part I hate the most.

Did you learn anything from writing your book, and what was it?

That I could actually do it. I’m now working on my third novel, and every time I write it’s a learning experience.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

My advice to other writers would be to keep writing your stories, bring people into worlds they couldn’t dream of that only you can create on paper. Always conduct yourself as a professional, and never stop writing what you love.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoyed writing them. I also love to hear from you and get feedback, so please feel free to reach out to me or leave a review.


Check out “Sinners Craving” by Megan Elizabeth

Available Now

Sinners Craving New Cover

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